New 3 Bin Collection System


Berrigan Shire Council will introduce a new system of waste collection from July 2024 to divert organics away from landfill. Our new 3 bin system will allow food and garden waste to be collected from households, alongside the current general waste and recyclables. Residents will receive three separate 240-litre bins, with organics collected weekly and recycling and general waste collected fortnightly. Read more in the FAQs below.


Barooga New Bin Dates

As part of Council’s contract with our new service provider, JR Richards & Sons there will be changes to your bin collection schedule. Your new collection day will be MONDAY.

Monday 24 June – you will place your general waste and recycling bins out for collection (on the Tuesday morning). Once emptied, please leave on the kerb; if possible please place upside down.
Your general waste and recycling bins will be taken away on either Tuesday 25 or Wednesday 26 of June.

It is now time for you to start filling your new 3 Bins.

From Sunday 30 June please place your green lidded organics and your red lidded general waste bins on the kerb for collection on Monday 1 July.

Please ensure you are placing them at least 1 metre apart.

Your collection schedule is as follows:


Berrigan New Bin Dates

As part of Council’s contract with our new service provider, JR Richards & Sons there will be changes to your bin collection schedule.

Monday 17 June, you will place both your recycling and general waste bins out for collection (on the Tuesday morning).
Once emptied, please leave your recycling bin on the kerb; if possible, please place upside down.
Your recycling bin will be taken away on Wednesday 19 June 2024.
It is now time for you to start filling your new yellow lidded recycling bin.

Monday 24 June – you will place your general waste bin out for collection (on the Tuesday morning).
Once emptied, please leave on the kerb; if possible please place upside down.
Your general waste bin will be taken away on either Tuesday 25 or Wednesday 26 of June.
It is now time for you to start filling your new red lidded general waste bin.

Monday 24 June - you can now start filling your green lidded organics bin.

From Monday 1 July please place your green lidded organics and your red lidded general waste bins on the kerb for collection.
Please ensure you are placing them at least 1 metre apart.
For this week only, as a complimentary service, you also have the option of putting your yellow lidded recycling bin out, if it needs emptying.

Your collection schedule is as follows:


Finley New Bin Dates

As part of Council’s contract with our new service provider, JR Richards & Sons there will be changes to your bin collection schedule. Your new collection day will be Wednesday or Thursday, depending on your address. Those that live in the blue section will be on Wednesday and those in the yellow will be on Thursday.

Interactive Map
Downloadable Map(PDF, 290KB)

Monday 17 June, you will place both your recycling and general waste bins out for collection (on the Tuesday morning).
Once emptied, please leave your recycling bin on the kerb; if possible, please place upside down.
Your recycling bin will be taken away on Wednesday 19 June 2024.
It is now time for you to start filling your new yellow lidded recycling bin.

Monday 24 June – you will place your general waste bin out for collection (on the Tuesday morning).
Once emptied, please leave on the kerb; if possible please place upside down.
Your general waste bin will be taken away on either Tuesday 25 or Wednesday 26 of June.
It is now time for you to start filling your new red lidded general waste bin.

Monday 24 June - you can now start filling your green lidded organics bin.

From Monday 1 July please place your green lidded organics and your red lidded general waste bins on the kerb for collection.
Please ensure you are placing them at least 1 metre apart.
For this week only, as a complimentary service, you also have the option of putting your yellow lidded recycling bin out, if it needs emptying.


Your collection schedule is as follows:




Tocumwal New Bin Dates

As part of Council’s contract with our new service provider, JR Richards & Sons there will be changes to your bin collection schedule. Your new collection day will be Thursday or Friday, depending on your address. If your address is in the yellow your collection will be Thursday and blue will be on Friday.

Interactive Map
Downloadable Map(PDF, 449KB)

Monday 24 June – you will place your general waste and recycling bins out for collection (on the Tuesday morning). Once emptied, please leave on the kerb; if possible please place upside down.
Your general waste and recycling bins will be taken away on either Tuesday 25 or Wednesday 26 of June.
It is now time for you to start filling your new 3 Bins.

Please place your green lidded organics and your red lidded general waste bins on the kerb for collection on either Thursday 4 or Friday 5 July depending on your collection day.

Please ensure you are placing them at least 1 metre apart.

Your collection schedule is as follows:




What is the new 3 bin household waste system?

The new 3 bin household waste system allows food and garden waste to be collected, as well as general waste and recycling. 

The three bins are:

  • One 240L GREEN LID BIN for organics (garden and food waste)
  • One 240L YELLOW LID BIN for recycling
  • One 240L RED LID BIN for general waste 

Where will the new 3 bin system operate?

The new system will begin across all towns, from July 2024.

It will include all households currently receiving a domestic waste and recycling service.

Businesses can utilise this service or make other arrangements. 

When will the 3 bins be collected?

The collection schedule will be:

  • WEEKLY collection of 240L organics bin (food organics and garden organics) Green lid
  • FORTNIGHTLY collection of 240L recycling bin – Yellow lid
  • FORTNIGHTLY collection of 240L general waste bin – Red lid

For town specific days of collection click this link.

Will my garbage charges change?

Every year your waste charge increases slightly in line with inflation. Next financial year there will be an additional change due to the introduction of an organics bin.
Please note, Council Fees and Charges for FY 25 will be available for public exhibition from 16 May 2024.

Draft waste charges can be found below:
  • $13 per m3 for residential
  • $24 per m3 for commercial
  • $494 – residential
  • $593 – commercial (all services must be purchased)
  • $72 – uncollected  


What bins do I need for this system?

All households will be provided with a new red lid bin for rubbish, a yellow lid bin for recycling and green lid bin for organics. You will also receive a kitchen caddy and compostable liners about a week before the start of the new collections.

Do I have to do anything special to get my bin?

No, the new bins will be delivered with clear instructions and directions for use. More information about how the system will operate will be provided to you closer to the start date, which is anticipated to be in July 2024.

Why will I be receiving an organics bin?

You will be receiving an organics bin, for your food scraps and garden matter, to reduce the quantity and content of waste going to landfill. Approximately half the content of the average household rubbish bin is organic material.

What will I be able to put in my green lid organics bin?

You can put in all your food scraps including fish, meat and bones, coffee grounds and cooked foods. Garden waste such as prunings, grass clippings, sticks, weeds and flowers can also be included. However, you cannot include things like plastic bin liners, general household waste, treated or laminated timber or old clothing. These need to go in your general waste bin.

How will my general waste (rubbish) bin change?

You will receive a new red lid rubbish bin for general waste and it will be emptied fortnightly instead of weekly. Data from other councils in our region shows that about half of what is currently being put into the red bin could be composted through the organics service, reducing the need to collect the bin every week.

How will I sort food waste from my general household rubbish?

Each household will receive a kitchen tidy bin and compostable liners especially to hold food waste. These liners can then be placed in your new organics bin.

Which other councils are introducing organics bins?

Six councils in the Murray and Riverina regions – Berrigan, Edward River, Leeton, Greater Hume, Federation and Murrumbidgee - are introducing the organics bin. These six councils all obtained funding to introduce the organics bin through the NSW EPA, Go FOGO Round 1 grant program. They will join Murray River and Albury City in delivering a consistent waste and recycling message across the Murray and Riverina regions.

Why are councils introducing organics bins as well as recycling?

The introduction of the organics service in NSW councils has been mandated by the NSW Government to help reduce the strain on landfills and utilise the compost generated in our region’s agricultural industries.

Can I opt out? I already compost at home!

The new green lid organics bin can be seen as an extension to the great work you’re already doing. And, the new service can accept things that your compost heap or pet may not like – things such as citrus, onions, bones, weeds and diseased and infected fruit or vegetables.   

As a community we pay for many services as part of our rates that benefit the community, even if every individual resident may not utilise them. Reducing the pressure on landfill and generating a valuable resource for our region’s agricultural industries helps Council to reduce the cost of landfill space into the future.

How can I find out more?

You will be provided with detailed information about the new 3 bin system in the lead-up to its introduction.  In the meantime, you can find further information on our website, facebook or by phoning Customer Experience on 03 5888 5100.

Visit Halve Waste for information about recycling and waste services in our region.