May 2024 Mayor's Message

Published on 26 June 2024

Cr. Julia Cornwell-McKean no background

While winter has well and truly settled in there has still been plenty on in Berrigan Shire.  A highlight has been the opening of Bullanginya Dreaming in Barooga - a fantastic art and light show that celebrates the culture of the Bangerang people.  I enjoyed it so much that I have been through twice – and I can assure you that the second time was even better than the first.  As a year round installation it is something that will attract visitors to the shire even in the quieter months.

This month Council launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan.  At Council the desire to foster unity and respect between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Australians is at the core of our values and principles – respect, integrity, honesty, leadership, accountability, partnership and trust.

Recently, Council was very pleased to host both the Victorian and NSW Cross-border commissioners - Brett Davis and Kalina Koloff - who are recent appointees to their respective positions.  In attendance were a number of other border councils and some local businesses.  Attendees were keen to let the Commissioners know of the trauma border closures caused our communities and the necessity to ensure that lessons have been learned.  We also discussed anomalies that arise in relation to education, health and housing among other things.  It was a great opportunity for Berrigan Shire to demonstrate leadership as a border community and make it clear to the Commissioners that we will not be backward in articulating the challenges the border presents for our community.

With local government elections happening on 14 September I encourage anyone interested in becoming a Councillor to keep an eye out on Council’s social media for information sessions held by Council, the Office of Local Government and the Electoral Commission.  You are also welcome to contact existing Councillors to discuss what the role entails and our CEO, Karina Ewer, has offered to have confidential conversations with anyone who is interested in running.  From a personal perspective, I have found my time on Council to be most fulfilling.  In particular, it has given me an opportunity to step up as a formal advocate for our community.


Cr Julia Cornwell McKean



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