Finley Saleyards Update
Published on 09 June 2023
Berrigan Shire requested cattle sales be suspended at the Finley Saleyards last week, to address Work Health and Safety (WHS) concerns that had been raised with the Elected Body through Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee.
Council take WHS matters seriously and decided it was important to ensure all workplaces provided by Council meet current WHS standards. As a result, a WHS Audit of the site was immediately arranged with the inspection taking place on Monday, 5 June 2023 and the report being received by Council early today, Friday 9 June 2023.
“Council will now work with Agents to assess the findings of the report and will have the saleyards open and fully operational as soon as possible,” said Mayor, Matthew Hannan.
“Berrigan Shire Council understands the importance of the Finley Saleyards facility to the community,” said Mayor Hannan, “to that end we are working as quickly and diligently as possible to address any issues that the report may raise.”
Mayor Hannan said, “Council is now in possession of all information required to engage with those applicants who responded to the Call for Proposals. Having a professional body take on ownership and operation of the facility is our primary objective.”