February Mayor's Message

Published on 26 February 2024

Cr. Julia Cornwell-McKean

With school resuming and holidays now becoming a distant memory, we are well into the swing of 2024.   

To coincide with the beginning of the TPS Murray Golf in Barooga, the Honourable Sussan Ley MP, Member for Farrer and Deputy Opposition Leader, visited the towns of Barooga and Tocumwal.  I accompanied the Member for Farrer on a number of her visits including to see the recent additions to the Barooga Recreation Reserve, the new defibrillator in Vermont Street Barooga (funded by the Barooga Advancement Group) and to meet locals at the Palms in Tocumwal and the Barooga Hotel.  It is important for the community to know that visits by members of parliament and other officials are great opportunities to create connections to assist us advocate for better outcomes for our community.  Trust me when I say that I was not backward in coming forward to collect contact details from those who may be able to help us in the future! 

While speaking of advocacy, I would like to formally announce that Council, in collaboration with the Tocumwal Ambulance Committee, have launched: ‘Operation Lights and Sirens:  Rally for an Ambulance in Tocumwal.’  This initiative seeks stories from the community about their experiences in calling ambulance services in the last two years.  Whether it was a critical emergency or a moment of great need, your story matters.  We invite you to share your experiences with us.  Your stories will serve as powerful testimonials to highlight the importance of having a local ambulance in Tocumwal.  You can submit your story via email to ambo4toc@berriganshire.nsw.gov.au or drop off a written account at the Council Office, Libraries or Visitor Information Centre.  Stories will remain anonymous.  You will see myself and members of the community around town promoting this initiative.  You are more than welcome share your stories with us on the spot.  If you would like more information about the initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Council through the regular channels. 

This month, I had the opportunity to appear as a witness at a hearing in Wagga Wagga of the Joint Select Committee on Protecting Local Water Utilities from Privatisation.  I took the opportunity to highlight to our state representatives that the exclusion of rural water utility suppliers from the legislation is yet another example of inequity for rural and regional issues.   

Australia Day, held in Berrigan this year, was once again a wonderful morning, though, as I said on the morning I encourage all of you to practice the anthem for next year!  Congratulations goes to all of our nominees and award winners.  A special thank you also goes to the CWA in Berrigan who once again put on a wonderful breakfast.  

Finally, with your rates notice due on February 28, I have some updates on Payble, Council’s new payment method. Payble now offers a fully operational direct debit facility, allowing rate payers to conveniently set up recurring payments directly from their bank accounts. With Payble, you gain access to flexible payment options for both Rates and Water accounts. 

This system enables you to easily check the current outstanding balance on your account and make any necessary adjustments to your payment plan. 

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Rates team. 

And just a reminder, there’s no need to scan the QR Code if you do not wish to, Payble can also be accessed by visiting https://pay.berriganshire.nsw.gov.au/biller/berrigan-shire-council on any of your internet connected devices. 

Dr Julia Cornwell McKean




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