Calling Out Disrespect Towards Staff and Councillors
Published on 28 May 2024
It is time to call out the disrespectful, inappropriate and cowardly commentary that has recently been directed towards our staff, and Councillors.
Sometimes, difficult and unpopular decisions have to be made. Our Councillors take their job extremely seriously and consider a range of information to support their decision making.
Once Council makes a decision, staff are then charged with the responsibility of implementing those decisions.
I am often astounded by the way some members of our community treat our staff and Councillors. Whilst many conversations are polite and reach resolution quickly, some involve swearing and threats. It should be remembered our Councillors and our staff are also members of this community.
When you contact our Customer Experience team, in person, on the phone, or via social media, remember they are members of the community, who are also affected by the decisions of Council and, the State and Federal Government.
Please remember when your hurtful comments are responded to on social media by “Berrigan Shire Council” that is a staff member. That is a person you probably engage with as a friend or family member in the community. Often, they are responding out of working hours, particularly late at night, to ensure Council’s engagement with the community is consistent and informed.
From time to time there are community issues that challenge us and not everyone will agree with the decisions made in these circumstances. There is however, absolutely no excuse for the abuse our staff and Councillors are currently having to endure.
Please think again before you press send, pick up the phone or abuse staff during face to face interactions. I will not tolerate disrespectful behaviour towards Councillors or staff. I have authorised our staff to terminate calls or report abuse to police. I am disappointed that people feel they have the right to treat members of their community so unfairly.
Chief Executive Officer