Berrigan Shire Council Oppose Water Amendment Bill

Published on 25 October 2023



At the October ordinary meeting, Berrigan Shire Council moved a motion opposing the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023. Council believes the bill, particularly its provisions related to water buybacks, pose a significant threat to our region. Council are joining other councils from both sides of the river, industry representatives, and lobby groups in expressing their disapproval of buybacks as a solution.

Agriculture is the life blood of the Berrigan Shire’s economy. Council have made this stance to demonstrate their unwavering support.

Deputy Mayor, Cr Carly Marriot, expressed her pride in the Council’s decision and emphasised the potential adverse impacts of buybacks on both social and economic aspects of the community. of Council for taking this position, given all that the bill threatens. Cr Marriott argues that buybacks will have negative effects “from the paddock to plate”, indicating they will affect the entire agricultural supply chain and will potentially harm local livelihoods.

Council’s opposition is rooted in the belief that the bill reflects city-based ideologies and does not consider the realities of food-producing regions like Berrigan Shire.

Cr Marriot said, “The bill threatens the future of our region, and food security. We are currently in a cost-of-living crisis and no thought seems to have been given to that fact in pushing this bill through. We need to make as much noise from as many platforms as possible to ensure Tanya Plibersek cannot ignore our message.”

“We are joining the chorus of other councils, industry and lobby groups in saying no to buybacks and no to a lazy solution that upholds city-based ideologies and ignores the realities of our food-producing regions. We encourage more local councils to take a stand against this Bill before our communities are decimated,” said Cr Marriott.



Further information:
Keelan McDonald
Communications, Marketing and Engagement
Berrigan Shire Council