Discover Berrigan

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Ask a local what they love most about their beloved hometown, and they’ll say you won’t find a more caring community anywhere. 

About Berrigan

Ask an ex-pat what they miss most, and it’s hands down the rolling fields of canola in the springtime. Nothing beats a road trip, or a slow Sunday drive through the farmland around Berrigan in early spring, when the winter crop of canola explodes into full golden bloom, painting the landscape a vibrant yellow.

It’s the perfect ‘slow’ antidote to our fast-paced life – and a nature immersion that the whole family will love.

In the township itself, you’ll be treated to country hospitality at its finest.

Stop off for a coffee, lunch or a sweet treat at one of our boutique eateries in town, before taking a gentle wander along Chanter Street where you’ll find an eclectic collection of new and second-hand clothes, books, bric-a-brac, treasures, arts, crafts and photography. While you’re there, be sure to take some time to read the interpretive plaques that reveal the heritage highlights of our town, including the old post office building, Federal Hotel, Memorial Hall and Heritage Museum.

Berrigan lays claim to the first rural fire service in Australia and today our community continues to thrive on that same spirit of volunteering. Our local swimming pool is thought to be one of only a handful in the nation that is free to the public, thanks to our townsfolk raising the funds each year to keep it open. 

While you’re in the neighbourhood, be sure to visit the Berrigan Government Nature Reserve Tank Paddock - a scenic walking track through a regenerated Indigenous landscape, and a peaceful spot to take a stroll.

And if you love horseracing, you’ll be right at home here. Races have been run in Berrigan since the 1890s, and these days people travel from far and wide each year to attend our three country race meets - The Berrigan Gold Cup, Members & Patrons Day and the Finley Autumn Cup Day.



Things to do in Berrigan

  • Visit the Berrigan Nature Reserve Tank Paddock – a walking trail situated on the eastern side of town featuring wetlands, bird hides & interpretative signs.
  • Drop into the Berrigan Community Sports Club and enjoy a game of golf on the 18-hole course, or access the bowling greens, tennis and squash courts.
  • The largest planting of Sumo Mandarins in Australia is produced by Mowbray Farms here on the sandhills of Berrigan. It’s a mandarin that smells and tastes divine and is super juicy but with no drips and no pips. Keep a look out for them in your local supermarket!
  • Discover the history of Berrigan with a stroll along the Berrigan Heritage Walk which identifies 20 places of interest around the town.
  • Visit ‘The Drop’ where the Mulwala Canal crosses the road about halfway between Berrigan and Barooga. This is part of a large w ater-flow control system which allows water to divert from Mulwala Canal into Berrigan Channel. It is also Australia’s first hydroelectric power station built on an irrigation canal.
