Development Proposal - 32 Burma Road Tocumwal
Council is in receipt of the following Development Application No. 48-25-DA-DM for a 29 Lot Subdivision and Manufactured Home Estate (MHE) at 32 Burma Road Tocumwal NSW 2714 (Lot 32 / DP778129). The applicant is Beveridge Williams Consulting. The consent authority is Berrigan Shire Council.
The Development Application and supporting documentation may be inspected during office hours at the Council Office or alternatively via the NSW Planning Portal DA Exhibitions | Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment Written submissions in respect of the Development Application will be accepted by Council until Sunday 20 April 2025.
If you would like to make a submission, please do so via the NSW Planning Portal DA Exhibitions | Planning Portal – Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure (
In your submission, it is useful if you state your concern and how the proposal will affect you, and any solutions that you think might alleviate your concern.
If you do not receive an acknowledgment from Council within 3 business days of lodging your submission via the NSW Planning Portal, please call 03 5888 5100 and ask to be put through to the Building & Planning Team.
- Personal details are kept for the duration of the application process. Submissions will be referenced in the officer report and may be provided to the applicant. Further, under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 Council must provide a copy of all submissions to persons entitled to lodge an application under that legislation.
- Persons lodging submissions are required to declare political donations (including donations of more than $1,000) made in the previous two years. For more details, including a disclosure form, go to
When lodging a submission via the NSW Planning Portal, if you click the ‘anonymous’ box, Council will not be able to contact you to acknowledge receipt of your submission; Council will not be able to contact you to discuss your issues or advise you on the next steps in the application process; and, not knowing your property address will affect the weight given to your submission as Council Officers will not be able to determine the impact of the proposal on your property.
56 Chanter Street, BERRIGAN NSW 2712
Ph 03 5888 5100 Fax 03 5885 2092