Tocumwal Swimming Pool

The Tocumwal Swimming Pool has delegated authority:

to give care, control and management of all that piece of land described as Lot 7 DP 528621, Lot 1 and 2 DP 900667, Pt Lot B in DP 375363 and Pt Lot 3 in DP 758981 Section 33, Village of Tocumwal being the Tocumwal Swimming Pool site (excluding enforcement, regulatory revenue related functions) to a committee comprising citizens and or Councillors as appointed from time to time vide Section 355 of the Local Government Act as amended, subject to the exercise of such authority confirming with the direction of the Council.

Executive Committee

President:  Faith McCallum
Vice President:   Geoff Edwards
Secretary: Leanne Waldron
Treasurer: Andi White


The Committee may be contact via:

telephone:   0431 023 883   


Visit the Tocumwal Swimming Pool Facebook Page here