Key Requirements: Beauty and Skin Penetration Business

Under the Public Health Act 2010 and the Public Health Regulation 2012, the occupier of premises where skin penetration procedures are carried out is required to:

  • notify the local council of the activity ( as below)

  • ensure that premises where skin penetration procedures are practiced are equipped appropriately

  • ensure that all needles and sharps which penetrate the skin are sterile

  • ensure there is an appropriate sharps container at the premises

  • ensure bench top sterilisers are operated in accordance with Australian Standards

  • ensure adequate infection control practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) are used

  • ensure compliance with all aspects of the Act and Regulation as they relate to skin penetration.

The Regulation also sets out the requirements persons who carry out skin penetration must comply with, such as wearing gloves and protective clothes and not reusing needles.

Beauty and skin penetration notification

All beauty and skin penetration operators are required to be registered with Council.

If you are commencing a new, or taking over an established beauty salon or tattoo parlour, you will need to notify Council by calling the Planning and Development Team on 03 5888 5100.

Along with notifying, you may require planning approval for a variety of things to operate such as:

  • building a brand-new skin premise

  • changing an existing building into a beauty or skin penetration premise

  • running a hair beauty or skin penetration business from home.

For further information, please contact Council's Building and Planning Team on 03 5888 5100 or email the team at