1. This application applies to the following zones within Council*: Zone RU5 - Village, Zone R5 – Large Lot Residential, Zone RU1 – Primary Production, Zone C1 – National Parks and Nature, Zone C3 – Environmental Management, Zone E4 – General Industrial, Zone RE2 – Private Recreation, Zone SP2 – Infrastructure, Zone W2 – Recreation Waterways.
2. The Local Land Services Act 2013 regulates the clearing of native vegetation in a number of zones within Council. Please contact NSW Murray Local Land Services on 03 5881 9900 for more information.
3. Approval is not required for the following: - Clearance of vegetation by electricity suppliers undertaken in accordance with the Electricity Supply Act 1995 and Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014. For trees impacting on electrical service wires within your property, contact Essential Energy on 13 20 80.
4. Properties identified as containing items of environmental heritage significance or located within heritage and conservation areas may require Development Consent to be issued prior to the removal of any vegetation. Please contact Berrigan Shire Council on 03 5888 5100 for further information.
5. If you have concerns regarding trees on public land please contact Berrigan Shire Council on 03 5888 5100. If you have concerns regarding trees on neighbouring properties, please contact the Community Justice Centre (www.cjc.nsw.gov.au) on 1800 990 777 or via email cjc-info@agd.nsw.gov.au. If all mediation attempts between neighbours fail, please contact the Land and Environment Court (https://www.lec.nsw.gov.au/) on 02 9113 8200.
6. As part of the approval conditions, compensatory planting may be required. The number and type of replacement plants will generally be determined onsite with the landowner.
7. If you move, damage or lop a tree without Council’s permission, you may be liable to significant fines. Penalties issued by the Land and Environment Court can attract maximum fines in excess of $100,000.00. 9. Trees on public land, including nature strips and parks, are Council assets and can only be pruned, removed or otherwise interfered with by Berrigan Shire Council.